Feeding your Face
Be your own beauty therapist with these home-made fruit and vegetable masks. You’ll not only be saving money but will give your skin a treat. By Pippa Weber
May 4, 2024

Pacific Island Living
May 4, 2024Pick up any new moisturiser or serum these days and the ingredients read like a shopping list for a delicious fruit salad. But not so surprising really as the same nutrients, enzymes and vitamins found in fresh fruits that are so good for your health, work the same magic with your skin.
The Pacific is a mecca for fabulous and mostly organically-grown fruit and vegetables so in essence with a little bit of know-how you can be your own beauty therapist whipping these plentiful ingredients into great home–made treatments for your skin. You’ll not only be saving money but have the added advantage of knowing that what you are feeding your skin is all-natural.
Avocado facial
With its rich oil content avocado is a naturally rich moisturiser so it makes a perfect treatment for those with dryer skin.
- 1 avocado
Mash avocado to a creamy texture. Gently massage into the face using a circular motion, working up the face and avoiding the eye area. Massage for several minutes. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Tropical fruit mask
A delicious-smelling mask packed with vitamins to tone and hydrate the skin.
- ½ cup tropical fruit (mango, papaya, banana )
- 2 Tblspn honey or yoghurt
Mash chosen fruits to a creamy mixture. Add honey or yoghurt and mix well. Apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Papaya face mask
Papaya is rich in both vitamins C and E and combined with the following ingredients will act as an exfoliator as well as hydrating and toning your skin.
- 1 small papaya
- 1/3 cup oatmeal
- 1 Tblspn honey
- 1 egg white
Peel the papaya, remove seeds, cube and puree in blender. Mix oatmeal, honey and egg white together, add pureed fruit until it becomes paste-like. Apply to the face, leave for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water
Clay and vegetable mask
Clay has been used for centuries by women looking for beautiful skin. Combined with vegetables this firming mask works for all skin types
- 1 Tblspn clay (available health food shops)
- 2 Tblspn mashed vegetable (cucumber, carrot or eggplant)
Mix clay and mashed vegetable of your choice together. Apply to the face avoiding the eye area. Leave 20 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water.
Lemon mask
Citrus fruits have an endless list of benefits for the skin. Lemons will gently cleanse, minimise pores, even out skin tones and brighten the skin.
- 1 egg white
- ½ Tblspn lemon juice
- 1 Tspn honey
Beat the egg white until firm, fold in the lemon juice and honey. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
Banana rejunvenating mask
This simple mask works to smooth out wrinkles.
1 small ripe banana
Mash to a creamy texture, apply over face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Splash face with cold water and pat dry.
Tomato mask
Thanks to the presence of lycopene, a powerful anti-oxidant, tomato is a wonderful promoter of a radiant and youth-fullooking complexion. Lycopene also protects the skin from sunburn, particularly relevant for those who spend time in the sun. It is also nourishing for ageing skin.
- 1 Tblspn tomato pulp
- 1 Tsp plain yoghurt
- 1 Tsp honey
Make sure face is thoroughly cleaned. Mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Apply to face and neck. Leave for 30 minutes, wash off with luke-warm water and pat dry.
Cucumber mask
Cucumber works magic on your skin with a myriad of benefits. It hydrates, relaxes, softens, relieves itching and cools sunburn. It also prevents water retention. It is a common ingredient in many store-bought masks. Simply applying grated or mashed cucumber to the skin will alleviate sunburn and moisturise the skin. Combined with the exfoliating benefit of yoghurt it makes a simple all-round mask for all skins.
- 1 cucumber
- ½ cup plain yoghurt
- 1 Tspn milk powder
Peel, de-seed and chop cucumber, blend in a food processor with the yoghurt and milk. Spread the paste evenly over clean face avoiding going too close to the eye area. Leave 15 minutes, wash off with a cloth and lukewarm water, splash face with cold water and pat dry.
Tips for top results
- Always wash well or peel fruit and vegetables before use.
- Relaxation is part of the fun – make sure you are comfortably dressed, and lie down while the mask is doing its work.
- Wrap your head in a towel to keep the mask away from your hair.
- Make sure your face is thoroughly cleansed before applying any mask.
- Do not exfoliate before using masks with astringent ingredients such as lemon and tomato, especially important if you have sensitive skin.
Avoid the eye area when applying the mask.
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